Feelings and Emotions


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We rarely pay attention to our body, often ignoring the health of our anatomy and the physical sensations we are experiencing. Emotions are created by feelings in the body. The study of neural biology allows us to understand how the body and mind work and how our disconnection with our bodies creates emotional conflict in societies. Often times we react instead of acting, not taking the time to use reasoning or to think clearly about what it is we are feeling in our body.

It is key to stop and observe our emotions when something or someone is bothering us. But can this kind of emotional maturity be achieved? If so, this would be the mental healing of many people, and therefore, communities. 

Most of us currently live life through our limited perceptions that were installed in our systems during childhood. This perception creates limiting beliefs within us, impacting our self esteem and actions. Saying things like “that is too silly” or “men don’t cry” or “girls shouldn’t do that” are all limiting beliefs stopping us from expressing how we really feel.

"We need to create the right and most powerful emotion that suppresses negative emotion." - Antonio Damasio

We have learned to neglect our true feelings leading to confusion. Are we sad? Angry? Frustrated? Sometimes we believe ourselves to be irritated but if we listened to our bodies we realize that we are simply experiencing hunger. We label our feelings with emotions that may be incorrect. On many occasions we expect the people around us to give us love, admiration, gratitude or joy but if we are not in touch with our true feelings then we will not be able to attract something that we ourselves do not have. To connect with our bodies and feelings it takes a great deal of self-discovery, education and re-patterning of behavior.

"We can not selectively numb emotions. When we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions." - Brene Brown

This is where ThetaHealing® can help with the healing process. Through guided mediation, the subconscious mind can be accessed and reprogrammed more quickly. To learn more about ThetaHealing® click on this link and see if it is right for you.


Beatriz Blanco