Steps to Healing the Mother-Child Relationship


Looking at pregnancy and early life for answers.

Healthy mother-child relationships are what most people strive for, but can be hard to achieve. Oftentimes, the thoughts, feelings, actions and intentions of the mother during pregnancy and the first few years of the child’s life can impact the child’s success and independence from their mother in adulthood. It is important to heal the negative energy that was intentionally or unintentionally transferred from the mother to the child. This healing will allow for continued growth amongst both mother and child.

An example of transference of negative energy during this early formative period might look like the following: a mother who is having a child to please their partner, having a child to get out of trouble or having a child to escape loneliness. The mother is subconsciously giving their child a condition, task or mandate that they will be expected to fulfill. The child then, in turn, subconsciously strives to always gain the approval of their mother. Later in the child’s life it may become hard to separate from the mother when the appropriate time comes because there is an unhealthy attachment to the mother. ThetaHealing® can be helpful in detecting these hidden beliefs or programmings.

Attachments between mothers and daughters can be especially challenging to navigate. Communication and understanding is assumed amongst mothers and daughters because of societal expectations like body changes, marriage and motherhood. Moving (or not moving) through these experiences may cause a daughter to form a bond with her mother. It can also deepen a daughter’s understanding of what it means to be a daughter by becoming a mother herself. Sadly, if there is conscious or subconscious competition, resentment, anger or disappointment, the daughter may live a conflicted and peaceless life.

Let us remember, mothers do their best. They do what they can with the resources, support and care that they are given and each generation has an opportunity to continue the healing process.

You can ask yourself, your mother or your spiritual team the following questions to clarify mother-child wounding:

  • What did your mother project on you before your birth?

  • What situation was your mother experiencing when she was pregnant with you?  

  • How was your mother’s pregnancy in general? 

  • How was your birth? Were you born early?

  • Were you born vaginally? Born via cesarian section?

  • Did your mother experience a catastrophe like an earthquake or any other natural disaster during her pregnancy?

  • Did somebody die at the time of your mother’s pregnancy?

Healing the perinatal time (9 months before conception until 3 years after birth):

  • Obligations, Contracts and Agreements

    • Based on the wants and needs of the parents, sometimes they unintentionally program beliefs into their child prior to the conception of the child. During ThetaHealing® sessions My Path to Light practitioners will reprogram these beliefs to help you strengthen your true identity.

  • Healing the Moment of Conception

    • Anguish, pain and suffering of the parents can be transferred to a child at the time of conception. Negative feelings and emotions can then manifest in the child. During ThetaHealing® sessions you will release blockages and fears surrounding this moment and they will be replaced with celebration for the moment you were created.

  • The 7 Day Journey in the Mother’s Womb

    • There is an inevitable waiting period in which the baby receives no attention because the mother does not know there is a baby until she misses her period. It is a 7 day journey that occurs between fertilization and when the egg imbeds itself in the uterus. This is a crucial time to know if the child was wanted, planned or if they were an “accident" child. During a ThetaHealing® session My Path to Light practitioners will help you determine the energy surrounding this time period and allow you to be soothed if anything negative comes up.

  • The Birth

    • The way in which one is born is especially important in their adult life. Ideally, childbirth should occur when the mother’s body is agreeable and the baby is ready - this results in a joyful experience where the mother is emotionally prepared for labor. Childbirth can be stressful, painful and sometimes traumatic though. During a ThetaHealing® session your birth will be explored and connections will be made between difficult moments then and difficulty you experience now.

The benefits of healing this time period in your life:

Doing this work will help you release contracts, obligations and limitations. It will help you realize that striving to honor obligations does not allow you to see things clearly. Releasing yourself of these things will help reprogram your mind and better your life. Removing remnants of shock and trauma from birth will provide you with more independence, autonomy and economic stability. It will feel easier to find a place to live. Safety, confidence and good relations will become abundant in your life. 

By clearing the energy of not having been a planned, desired or loved child, you will see the truth and love the amazing moment in which you were created. You will be free from the shadows of being conceived at a painful or stressful time under circumstances like war, deprivation, death or injustice. You can be free of the fear and trauma experienced by your mother/parents if there were any negative experiences during pregnancy like misdiagnosis or medical malpractice. You will have the courage to dare to realize, know, feel and live what your place in this world really is.


Beatriz Blanco