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ThetaHealing® Practitioner Seminar

You and Your Inner Circle


Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper


We are constantly growing and evolving. During the growth process it is very important to have a healthy support system and relationship with the people around us. It is only with the right support team that we can move forward in life with confidence.

This seminar will prepare you to move forward, by giving you clarity and discernment on who should be a part of your inner circle. It is designed to help you achieve success in every aspect of your life by surrounding yourself with high vibrational people who will both lift you up and challenge you to be your best self.

As healers, if you are surrounded by people that need constant encouragement, you will get drained very quickly. Therefore, your inner circle should be comprised of equitable energetic exchanges. This seminar also teaches you why your inner circle changes so much and why your friends shift around. As you change, your friends change. 

You and Your Inner Circle will teach you how to identify the developmental stages of the people around you. You will be shown the different stages of mind: the child stage, the parent stage and the crown or grandparent stage.  

The opportunity to discover which state of mind you are in will be presented through a simple test. This will help you bring compassion to where you are at and will help you determine how to get where you desire to be

Learn how to work with every stage of mind in this seminar and learn to understand your clients and students on a deeper level that will allow you to help them move forward.


When you are certified as a ThetaHealing® Practitioner, you can use this technique professionally and charge for your services. If you’re already a healer, you can add more knowledge to your existing tool kit.


Seminar Includes:

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ThetaHealing® You and Your Inner Circle manual



All certification seminars are taught by Beatriz Blanco, Certitfied ThetaHealing® Instructor and Practitioner and Intuitive Healer. Monica Blanco, a Certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner, will be assisting each class.



Taught in English or Spanish



Online via Zoom



2 consecutive days




Payment Plans are available. For more information, click here.

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