From Jenny Craig to DIY: Empowering Yourself with Healthy Meal Prep for Sustainable Weight Loss

While this news may be disappointing to its loyal customers, it presents an opportunity for individuals to take back control of their health and weight loss goals by creating healthy meals themselves.

Jenny Craig, one of the top weight loss programs for 13 years straight just filed for bankruptcy and I must say I am not surprised. Now everyone seems to be jumping ship and buying freezer full amounts of Lean Cuisine or switching over to NutriSystem.

As a former Jenny Craig Coach, I knew that if the company didn't stay ahead of the curve it was going to get left behind and that is just what happened. What do I mean by this?

Well today’s consumer is smart as heck and they’re waking up. The weight loss market is shifting dramatically and fast because consumers are the ones opting for healthier food and modern healthy weight loss practices. 

So many Jenny Craig clients fell completely side swiped, betrayed and disappointed at what happened. Leaving many feeling out of control and discouraged for their weight loss journey.

Now, it’s time to take back control of your health and begin a new era, Life After Jenny is what it’s being called.

Many realized they relied heavily on a dieting system to provide them with everything. While this was convenient at the time they are now realizing that it left them without the tools and knowledge to figure it out themselves.

The clients are missing valuable skills like:

-Know what to eat for weight loss

-How much to eat of calories and food groups

-How meal prep effectively for weight loss

-What to eat during gatherings and holidays 

If Jenny Craig clients continue to rely on dieting systems like NutriSystem it could mean they will continue to give their power away again

Isn't it time clients took matters into their own hands and began learning these valuable skills?

Meal prepping and eating healthy for weight loss shouldn’t be complicated.

And it isn’t.

It’s a skill anyone can learn with patience and practice.

Imagine learning weight loss skills that will not only help you lose the last 20 lbs but teach you how to eat healthy for life.

Helping you create healthy weight loss meals that the whole family can eat. No more “my dieting food” and their “real food”

It’s possible and the best part? No counting calories! and no restrictions. 

Here are 5 ways you can begin to quickly and safely lose 20 pounds:

  1. Drinking more water - staying hydrated is key for weight loss.

  2. Reduce refined carbs - It’s about eating the right carbs for your body and weight loss goal.

  3. Follow a routine sleep schedule - Sleep is a huge part of weight loss as sleep helps regulate and balance hormones.

  4. Increase protein intake - Protein is a key macro-nutrient that supports lean body mass as you begin to drop the body fat.

  5. Move or exercise consistently - There’s no need to be a cardio bunny but moving at least 30 minutes 3 times a week is progress. Bonus if you're able to burn 450 calories 3 times a week to keep you in the fat burning zone.


Hi, I’m Jennifer Rodriguez! 

Holistic Therapist, Mindfulness Teacher and Wellness Coach. 

As a former Jenny Craig Coach, I got hired because of my background in personal training and nutritional coaching. And I have knowledge that can help devastated Jenny Craig clients learn how to transition off JC meals and into a maintenance phase. 

The maintenance phase is when clients reach their weight loss goal and we would teach them how to ween off the JC meals and be able to create healthy meals on their own. 

If you don’t want to live off freezer meals, ready-made meals, or another dieting system then my upcoming mini course is for you. 

Master Meal Prep for Weight Loss

Wean Off Boxed Meals and Learn to Create Healthy Weight Loss Delights for the Whole Family with Ease.

In this course you'll learn how to:

-Get started TODAY (and what to expect)
-Eat the right amount of food for each meal
-Easily judge the portion sizes that are right for your body and goals
-Track your food intake and stay consistent
-Build your daily menu using sample meal ideas
-Make adjustments for continual results

Join the waitlist and be the first to know when
doors open + get a secret 10% discount.