Love, Compassion and Self Care

Today I can tap into the unlimited source of energy that is the opposite of fear, which is the source of unconditional love.
— Daily Guidance from Beatriz

We are going through crucial moments globally.

We have moments of anxiety, doubts and uncertainty and it is normal since we have never experienced a situation like this not just feeling isolated by the need of social distancing, but also it makes us feel a little bit uncomfortable. We are used to visiting our friends and family and hugging them and having a good time with them, and the same with our spiritual community. But instead of feeling sad or frustrated we can transform it into taking advantage of these days to care about ourselves. We must know that today more than ever we have the feeling of being united. We are using the power of our hearts to share the love with all the people that we love.We can use this time to slow down and have moments of reflection. Taking care of ourselves and reinforcing our spiritual strengths allow us to send good energy, powerful thoughts and love to our relatives, friends, neighbors, coworkers, clients and people not only in our country but the whole planet.

Sharing + Compassion


We can’t go outside. Let’s go inside!

We are becoming stronger as a human race, more caring, and having more compassion and resilience. Our spiritual practice is important at this time, we must have more discipline in connecting with our hearts, going inward and expanding further. Make use of all your spiritual gifts to grow and assist others with less effort, doing it remotely and with greater results. Our true power lies within us, in our hearts where hope lies, knowing that things will change for the better. Our true nature is compassion, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, temperance just to mention a few. 

God/Creator/Universe (the name that resonates with you) expresses through all of us and it reflects radiating light through our virtues. We can acquire virtues by our effort, consciously developing a good habit, even though it takes time it can change our lives for the better. We call that natural virtue but it can take some time. In moments like we are living now, we are almost forcing ourselves to grab a lot of virtues, like being patient, having trust and faith.

In ThetaHealing® it is easier to acquire virtues because through reaching a Theta state we can do downloads in ourselves, and in minutes we can have virtues in our system and they will be installed as if we were born with them. You can enjoy the Road map to the Seventh Plane and experience the beautiful energy of Creation and grab some downloads-virtues.

Let’s be patient and compassionate with ourselves and others.

Although we want to help others, rule number one, just like on an airplane, you need to wear the mask first and breathe. Remember that we can pray for others and have the assurance that God will do more than we can do for them, but you need to be mentally, physically and spiritually empowered to help others. We can achieve this through our discipline, with our daily spiritual practice with ease and grace.

Love Yourself!


Some ideas to make the most of your time at home: Reset, Renew, Rejuvenate and use your Creativity!

  • Rest

  • Meditate

  • Do exercise

  • Write a book

  • Use your creativity

  • Make you special tea

  • Eat your favorite food

  • Listen your favorite music

  • Read your favorite books

  • Take an online classes

  • Choose your favorite audio books

We need to appreciate and take advantage of these moments of change.

Once you've gotten stronger

It is time to expand our consciousness and awareness. We need to work with ourselves and our community and find our true purpose. Let’s all be centered, focusing on our heart for a few moments and ask the question how do I feel?

Pay attention to your heart, honoring your feelings. When we start paying attention to our hearts we will use a new way of communication, with more wisdom, power and strength. We will speak and listen more clearly. And we will see the truth without filters, just by focusing on the heart, our intuition and our sixth sense will expand incredibly and naturally. Focusing on our heart helps us to reduce stress and regulate blood pressure reducing the risk of heart attacks, fight and flight mode or anxiety. So lets be strong, let’s be centered, let’s be in balance, today let’s create our future with ease, grace, love and effortless.

Let’s experience love, and share it with the world!

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